Task Management Application

dBuilder#Task – Task Administration with Control

The dBuilder#Task is a task creation, automation, administration and management control tool. The application is based in Microsoft Excel.

ToDo lists, Outlook tasks and the Eisenhower Decision Matrix can easily be created and exported.

Customisation is flexibly suited to a single user or a multi-disciplinary, corporate workforce.

The remote feature is suitable for travelling-, at home- and satellite offices.

#Task offers full off-line functionality and auto syncing when connected.

User right standarisation ensures consitent working processes and practices.

#Task allows users to:
  • Plan Tasks
  • Create Tasks
  • Track Tasks
  • Reply to Tasks
  • Create Reports
  • Organise Tasks
  • Own Tasks
  • Move Tasks
  • Request Tasks
  • Comment on Tasks
  • Lead Tasks
  • Assign Tasks
  • Agree to Tasks
  • Rank Tasks
  • Control Tasks

The dBuilder #Task App is developed by P3Projects. It is tailored to suit your needs and that of your work place.

Fluent Control
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Administration Software

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