#Tourism Layout

dBuilder#Tourism - Layout

  • The dBuilder is designed to run from within Microsoft Office to give you as much freedom and flexibility as possible from within the familiar Office environment.
  • +90% of your interaction with the Builder will be from within Microsoft Excel.
  • Microsoft Word is used to create Itineraries.
  • Microsoft Outlook is used to e-mail suppliers and to control bookings.
  • You will need operating system (e.g. Windows 7) commands such as folder navigation and search commands from time to time.
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Administration Software

Combining Services

Groups of individual services can be combined to display one total to your clients. Quotes can be customised to present the collective services as a single line item and total. Alternatively the individual services details can be shown while retaining one combined total. This feature is commonly used for day tours with an assortment of services.

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